Saturday, December 17, 2005

packing made fun with beer

On the suggestion of my dear friend Megan, Josh and I did our packing today and are ending it with pizza and beer. Beer really makes things a little more fun. We are just having a blast packing all our junk. We also like to feed our dogs beer. Our dogs really like beer. Charlie has been a beer drinker for a couple of years and we are getting Lucy started. They get so excited when we let them have our empty, or almost empty beer bottles. It's fun to see Charlie walk around after too much beer. He only weighs 4.5lbs, so it only takes .9 ounces of a beer for him to get drunk. Lucy is so excited about this beer thing she is walking around with the beer bottle in her mouth. Ok, here are some photos.


Brian T. Murphy said...

katie - way to go on giving beer to the dogs. I tried to get dingo drunk once. I had her drink an entire beer and nothing happened. I bet dingo is like frank and she can't get drunk.

your new house is awesome. The neighborhood you are moving into is even better. when do you move in?

Katie said...

brian- we are here right now. I am sitting on the front porch as I type. I am picking up the faintest signal, but I have to sit out here. It is cold. We have been here a three nights. We ate at the vortex bar and grill last night, this place is awesome!