Monday, April 21, 2008

solo cups at the park

Lucy at the park
Originally uploaded by ktmthompson

One of a few of my favorite things is to take Nia, Charlie, and Lucy to the park in the afternoons. We live a block from freedom park, which is one of the main reasons we bought our house in the first place. Location, location, location.=) Sometimes Josh is able to join us and yesterday was one of those days. When Josh accompanies us to the park there is usually alcohol involved. Bartender Josh made me a margarita and who knows what was in his cup. I know we look so classy trooping up the hill to the park with Nia in the stroller, dogs on leashes, and solo cups in hand trying to make sure not one drop spills. At the park the dogs and child all get to run free while Josh and I drink our bliss in a solo cup. We usually end up chatting it up with fellow neighbors while our dogs run and play. These park goers have known us since before Nia was born and it is really fun to see them and hear them talk about how much she has grown! On days like this I realize anew how much I love living in Atlanta!
Posted by Katie at 6:38 AM


Brian T. Murphy said...

I am glad you are back to blogging.

Gisele said...

i love atlanta too!!!

Katie said...

thanks brian. I just wish you were blogging, like the old days. I think we should start an internet petition to get you blogging again.

Giga, I am SO glad you love Atlanta. It (we) love you!